Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Intersection of Food and Art

In 2011, the Visual Arts Center and the Treasure Valley Food Coalition invited Idaho artists who have an interest in food issues and a desire to reflect that interest artistically to apply for inclusion in the exhibition Sustenance. Wingtip Press proposed a collaborative portfolio by eight Idaho printmakers to be considered for this exhibition. 

The portfolio, A Piece of the Pie  actually includes nine pie-slice shaped prints created by nine Idaho artists. Artists met at Wingtip Press in early January 2012 to discuss themes over a slice of pie and each artist was invited to select from eight unmarked packages containing a pie.  The unmarked packages contained a variety of pies: freshly baked, frozen, inexpensive,pricey, wholesome, not-so-wholesome, fruit, meat, organic and two restaurant gift certificates. Artists were asked to share their selection with family and friends while considering issues related to their dining experience, such as nutrition, food safety, hunger, obesity, sustainability, food preparation and other themes the artist considered relevant.  This information would serve as source material for creating an edition of eleven prints.  

Although the portfolio was originally designed to contain eight slices of pie created by eight Idaho artists, Wingtip Press' owner  inadvertently invited a ninth guest to the opening event. After overcoming her embarrassment and in keeping with a personal commitment of making room at the table, she invited the ninth artist to participate by dividing the eighth slice in two and sharing the slice with the ninth artist.  

Two prints from each edition is included in the Sustenance exhibition.  The nine remaining prints will be exchanged among the nine participating artists, each artist receiving a complete pie. The participating artists, in alphabetical order:

Mare Blocker
Matt Bodett
Katarzyna Cepek
Terra Feast
Lisa Cheney Jorgensen
Tara Kennedy
Amy Nack
Josh Olson
Cassandra Schiffler

Wingtip Press is Boise’s Community Printmaking Studio, facilitating print exchange portfolios,  exhibitions, studio time and workshops since founded in 2009. 

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