Cassandra Schiffler

Print title: She Bought the $4.29 Box of Strawberries on the 1st Day of June
Process:  Drypoint

Although I was not initially a participant in this project, Wingtip Press accidentally invited me to a meeting about this Pie print portfolio. Wingtip was embarrassed, because there were only 8 slices of this pie, and no room for me at the table. So Amy Nack graciously offered to give me a portion of her slice. And with that sliver of pie, I began thinking about inequity, and that very human desire to have a slice of the pie, whether that pie was pizza, apple cobbler, stocks in corporations, a college education, a big house, or just having enough to sustain oneself. The image I chose to represent is an image of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as Food Stamps.

People no longer receive "Food Stamps", which were orange vouchers providing financial assistance for purchasing food. Today they receive a card that looks and works like a debit card. Funds for food purchasing are electronically deposited in the card account on the 1st day of the month. When I applied for and received my Quest card for six months during 2008, I had been paying for all my food, gas, insurance, and toiletries with a credit card. Luxury items like ripe, fresh strawberries were not in the budget. When I finally bought them with my Quest card, they tasted sweet, and bitter at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great print and I love the image and of course the story is interesting. I will always give you part of my pie.
